
The Truth About Tucker Carlson's Wealthy Family

According to Insider, Tucker Carlson was raised in California, but spent his teenage years at a prep school in Rhode Island. His classmates also viewed him as "a self-assured conservative who wasn't afraid to speak his mind," per The New Yorker. But before Carlson became known for his sharp tongue, strong debating skills, and of course, signature ties, he had a family dynamic that wasn't exactly traditional or conservative, for that matter. He grew up with a younger brother named Buckley, but their mother, Lisa McNear Carlson, left the family when he was just 6 years old, per the Columbia Journalism Review.

Recalling his childhood, Tucker said, "Totally bizarre situation—which I never talk about, because it was actually not really part of my life at all." While he has made his apparent distaste for the country's "elites" well-known, according to Fox News, he certainly spent a lot of time with them. After all, he went to a prestigious prep school where he met his future wife, Susan Andrews. He was also admitted to Trinity College, which has one of the most expensive yearly tuitions, according to the university's website.

Meanwhile, Tucker's father, Richard Carlson, was once the President and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, according to WNYC, a banker, investigative journalist, and author before his unsuccessful 1984 mayoral campaign. The senior Carlson was also someone who had a very specific outlook when it came to raising his two sons.


Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-04